Immunization funding at risk

by Annabelle de St. Maurice

In 2010, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) established the Prevention and Public Health fund (PPHF). This mandatory funding stream supports improvement in public health and subsequently decreases the cost of health care. PPHF has provided financial support for CDC’s immunization programs, outbreak response, and monitoring and prevention of healthcare-associated infections. The CDC has used PPHF funds to test over 2 million children for lead poisoning and prevent further lead exposure in communities like Flint, Michigan.

Immunizations are one of the most fundamental aspects of a successful public health program. Vaccines decrease the cost of health care by preventing infections that were once common and costly in the U.S., including measles, polio, meningitis, and chicken pox. As Congress is looking to possibly repeal the ACA, they should consider the impact that it would have on immunizations and other health care issues.


To advocate, visit:

American Public Health Association

Every Child by Two: (sign to support vaccine funding)

Learn more about programs at risk: funding-impact.pdf



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