donate to an immigration advocacy group


Border Angels is an all-volunteer non-profit that advocates for immigration reform and social justice focusing on the U.S.-Mexico border. It offers educational and awareness programs and migrant outreach programs to San Diego County’s immigrant population. Donate here.

Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA) is an advocacy and organizing group focusing on achieving human, civil, and labor rights for immigrants. Donate here.

National Immigration Law Center is dedicated to fighting for the rights of low-income immigrants through litigation, policy analysis and advocacy, and various other methods. Donate or learn how you can attend a local training here.

National Immigration Forum is another leading immigrant advocacy group that offers various programs to integrate immigrants into the workforce and obtain citizenship. Donate here.

Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights works to protect the best interests of children who come to the U.S. on their own. Donate here or learn about how you can volunteer as a Child Advocate in Chicago, New York, Houston, and Washington D.C. here.

Esperanza Immigrant Rights Project is a public interest legal organization serving some of the most vulnerable immigrants in the Los Angeles area.

Immigration Equality is the largest national LGBTQ immigrant rights organization. Providing free legal services and policy advocacy on behalf of LGBTQ and HIV-positive immigrants.

International Rescue Committee assists refugees in resettling and job finding in LA.

Los Angeles Center for Law and Justice legal aid on immigration and domestic violence since Madrigal vs Quillian.

Immigration Equality is the nation’s leading LGBTQ immigrant rights organization.

Welcoming America helps to promote inclusive communities, especially those with recent immigrants.